Beware the narcissist’s dangerous good side

Two sides of narcissism.   That’s the lie.

Every day I receive emails and comments on my Blog from followers (thank you).

In them I hear the same thing said about a narcissistic partner.

I love them

They need me

I feel sorry for them

They’ve had a difficult past

When they’re good they’re so good

I see the good in him (or her) and want to believe they’ll change.

When we first meet a narcissist they can make us feel so special and loved. We love that good side.

We haven’t yet seen the two sides of narcissism.

It takes time before they reveal any darker side to us. We ignore the first glimpses and warning signs anyway. The good side is so good, we want more of it.

Narcissistic supply

A narcissist first needs to be sure they’ve found a partner who is the perfect ‘supply’ for them.

At the core of a narcissist is a fragile self esteem. Their grandiose sense of entitlement and superiority is protection mechanism. A way to deny they are insecure.

A narcissist also has a desperate and constant need for affirmation, admiration and appreciation. Their moods and behaviour depend on external validation.

Only others can make them feel good about themselves.

The perfect person for them is someone with so much empathy they’ll do anything to keep them happy.

Soothe that fragile ego; tell them they’re special.

Someone who’ll see through the pain they inflict on them.  Who feels the need to rescue them from their troubled past.

A person who will feel sorrier for the narcissist than themselves. Even after their abusive behaviour.

Who puts the narcissist’s needs above their own.

One who is more easily conned by the two sides of narcissism.

Like I was. I still loved my ex, even after he almost killed me.

He needs me

… I thought.

Jekyll and Hyde personality.  The two sides of narcissism

We see these two sides. The narcissistic Jekyll and Hyde personality. We love the good side, so we forgive the bad.

That’s not the real them

… we reassure ourselves.

The narcissist will only show us the full extent of their bad side once they’re confident we’ll keep on loving them. No matter what.

When they know we’ll make it our job to rescue them, rather than saving ourselves.

That we’ll change our behaviour, instead of holding them accountable for their’s.

We may be shocked by the abusive side at first.

But no sooner than we see this Mr (or Ms) Hyde behaviour, they flip the switch.

Out comes the remorse and promises to change.  Their good side returns.

We believe them. We wait and hope for them to change.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it

That’s not me

I was only angry because you did X or Y

I’ll change

They tell us what they know we want to hear.

We change our behaviour to keep the peace. Which is exactly the result they want.

Instead of holding them accountable for their abuse.

We know they have this good person inside and we can help them change.

We long for their good side again. That’s when everything will be okay.

We believe we can rescue them and get the loving, good side back. The one who swept us away with love at the start.

Who’ll do so again after abuse, with remorse and promises to change.

We may have doubts or fears and raise their abusive behaviour with them.

Then the narcissist will tell us:

You’re not being supportive enough. I said I’ll change. I need you more than ever to help me now.

But they’re empty words. Action to amend their behaviour rarely ever follows.

They’ve shifted the goal posts away from themselves and the abusive behaviour.

It’s more about how we should stand by them now and love them even more.

That’s what we do. We love the good side. We want to save them from the bad. We go back to trying to help them change.

Can a narcissist love?

They convince us they love us. The bad side is not them, they don’t mean it.

They may feel they love us too. At least at the start of the relationship.

In that heady love-bombing phase, when they make us feel we’re the only ones in the world.

That they’ve never felt love like this before. They need us. We’re The One.

Their fragile ego may feel secure then, but it will never last.

A narcissist will only love you as long as you make them feel good about themselves. If they get something in return.

It’s an impossible task. You can keep trying everything in your power to make them feel loved and secure. But they are a bottomless pit of neediness.

They’ll suck you dry. Your needs will come second to their’s.

This good side to a narcissist is more dangerous than you may think.

It lulls us into a sense that there is someone loving within them, who will one day fulfil our needs.  Who has been hijacked by this darker persona.

It makes us stay in abusive relationships, even when our life is at risk.  Waiting for that day to come.

The cycle of abuse

The good side is what drives the cycle of abuse and wears us down.

Like hampsters on a treadmill we keep chasing that good side, we know lies hidden within the dark.

We convince ourselves all we need to do is love them more.

Accept we were at fault for their anger and change our behaviour to keep their bad side at bay.

Support them when they promise yet again to change.

But as their ‘supply’ they need to tap into our unlimited amount of empathy. They will drain us. All at our expense.

They shatter our self esteem, belittle us and blame us. They make us take on total responsibility for what goes wrong in the relationship.

Still we try to fix things. It’s our role to keep them happy and patch their damaged side.

The cycle of abuse is a perpetual wheel that spins in a downward spiral.

We see their good side, then their bad side. Their nice side, their nasty side. It’s designed to confuse us.

Over time it wears us down.

After a while, we crave their good side again so badly we’ll do anything to get it back.


We become codependent. Addicted to someone incapable of fulfilling our needs.

The only person now who can make us feel good about ourselves again is Jekyll. But more often than not now we have to deal with Mr (or Ms) Hyde.

Narcissists don’t have two sides. The nice and the nasty are one and the same.

This good side of a narcissist is not the real them we convince ourselves of. Stop chasing that high.

If anything it’s the nasty side that is their true self.

They are masters of manipulation, using this good side, the Jekyll persona as a mask. To lie to us and con us into staying in a toxic relationship. To give us false hope.

To feed off us, so they can feel superior, with power over us and total control.

Stop feeling sorry for them. Or guilty at the thought of leaving.

Don’t let them fool you into thinking if only you’ll love and support them more they will change. Have you ever seen evidence of this yet? My guess is no.

It is you who needs saving.

Denial is a powerful thing. The first step is to admit your relationship with a narcissist is only hurting you. It is all about them.

Your needs and wellbeing don’t even factor into the equation.

Their good side is just a con. A dangerous lie that makes you keep running back for more abuse.

A ruse so you’ll keep putting them above yourself.

Don’t listen to their words.  Watch their actions.  They’ll never change.  You can’t rescue them.

It’s time to let go. Use that overflowing well of empathy you have to start to taking care of YOU.

Are you convinced an abusive person in your life has a good side that’s the real them?  Are you trying to save them?  Waiting and hoping for them to change?  Let me know in the comments below.

You can’t change them. But you can change you.

I went from a young, single mother; my ex almost killed me. I turned my life around, step by tiny step.

You have the power within you.  All you have to do is Start with ME.

If you want to follow the steps I took to break the cycle and find happiness in my life, I have designed online video courses especially for you.

They will take you from Victim to Survivor and from Survivor to Staying Strong.  How to break the cycle, walk away from an abusive relationship and never be hurt by anyone ever again. Please see my “You Can Change Your Life” membership community below to join.