by vivian | Oct 18, 2017 | Blog, Relationships, Self Love
Why do some women (or men) stay, when others see the red flags and veer away? That’s because we get in life what we think we are worth. If we think we are not good enough, unloveable, then we attract those who treat us as unworthy of being...
by vivian | Oct 4, 2017 | Blog, Relationships, Self Love
When you leave an abusive or narcissistic person, the withdrawal feels as painful as weaning off heroin. It did for me, at least. What happens is that you’ve been numb for so long. You’ve not been allowed to feel any emotions. If you do you’re told you’re...
by vivian | Oct 3, 2017 | Blog, Relationships, Self Love
Going Cold Turkey after an abusive relationship is the quickest way to heal. I’ve heard many victims of domestic violence say they feel the same as I did after leaving an abusive or controlling relationship. I wonder if it’s the same for you? Things like:...
by vivian | Sep 27, 2017 | Blog, Relationships, Self Love
Leaving an abusive relationship is when you need to stay strong. What happens when we build our self-esteem? What happens when we stop taking responsibility for an abusive partners actions and by default that means they have to be accountable for them? ...
by vivian | Sep 19, 2017 | Blog, Relationships, Self Love
Why we keep going back to abusive relationships. To the person who hurts us. The cycle of abuse is so pervasive we develop an unhealthy addiction for the person who is hurting us. We’re hooked in by the intensity at which they love-bomb us at the...
by vivian | Sep 6, 2017 | Blog, Relationships, Self Love
Do you love someone who keeps hurting you? Do you keep going back to someone who abuses you, emotionally and/or physically? Unless you look hard at why you were addicted to an emotionally unavailable person in the first place, you risk going back to them. Or...
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