Why narcissists don’t love you

Why narcissists don’t love you

A narcissist who is abusive – whether emotionally or physcially – doesn’t love you.  They just need control.    And that need for control can turn into a cycle of violence. When an Abuser is violent they have absolute control over you and that is...
How bad boys hook you in

How bad boys hook you in

My Ex was a Bad Boy.  Like most of them, he was charismatic, swept me off my feet and hooked me in.  It was a whirlwind romance. It was intense.  I thought he was the Best Boy in the world for me. He showed me warning signs of the Bad Boy...
Love is a verb, not a noun. (remember this if you ever begin to fall out of love)

How to flip your life for success

As a television Executive Producer I have sat in many an edit suite watching a Director’s Cut – some by award-winning Directors, others from first time filmmakers.   Almost without exception, at the end of their films, I have said to them all: ‘it’s a...